Tuesday, July 31, 2012

French Love poem. Your eyes and the ocean

Picture of Hawaii, Kawaii. A long time ago.

Tes yeux sont comme les vagues eternelles,
 ils emportent mon amour au dela des etendues bleues, vertes et flamboyantes.
Tes yeux sont comme la lumiere,
ils apportent a mon coeur, la beaute, la splendeur de ce qu'il y a de plus beau sur terre.

Your eyes are like the eternal waves,
they take away my love beyond the expanses of blue, green and blazing.
Your eyes are like the light, they bring to my heart, the beauty, the splendor of what is most beautiful on earth.
Isabelle Thornton

I wrote this French poem when i was a teen. I lived at my Grand-ma's apartment after my parent's divorce at the time.
Writing poems was an escape.


Terra said...

Lovely words.

Unknown said...

Thanks :)

Contact me at: isafrenchy@gmail.com