Monday, October 22, 2012

Animals for Tots iPhone & iPad App Review

My kids have new bad habits at church that I never had as a kid. While we are sitting there bored occasionally (ok, frequently), they are playing with apps on my iPhone. My 5 year old and my 9 month old absolutely adore this app. Anything to do with animals is a hit and this one is just so well done and fun for the kids that it can occupy a full 15 minutes. Now if you are like me, 15 minutes of occupied kids is golden time in church. Just make sure you turn down the sound!

It is also a great learning and instructional tool. Whenever you buy flash cards, they end up on the floor, bent or lost. With this app the pics are always fresh and crisp and will never bend or get lost. The entire app is perfect to learn animal words and picture recognition. Another really cool feature is the multi-language support for English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish. How cool is that!!! As a Mommy blogger this is definitely a must have and one of my favs!
You can download the app from the iTunes market here:


Cindy Klein said...

I will check it out. Thanks!

Safdar Ali said...

This is nice. I will check it out. Thanks for sharing. ucuz iphone

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